Part 47: New Parm NPC Chatter 11
Welcome back! We're beginning the final sweep of New Parm, after the Dom Ruins.

: Heck, I'm only 30 years old... and now I've started talking like some old fogey.

: You're right. What was I thinking? Well, I should be relieved, I suppose.

: Settle down? Who? Pakon? Can it be true?

: I heard that Pakon's gonna marry that receptionist girl. I don't care who he marries as long as it's not Feena! Here! Cheers to the wedding!
Crap, three brief NPCs in a row. Which means....

: Turticamels are so dramatic... so fantastic and thrilling.... What a battle it would be! Everyone would be fascinated with their fighting tactics, their offense and defense. If the Turticamel Battles get famous, then people won't ever mistake them for turtles again, that's for sure! And you, young lady, if you have any good ideas, please let me know.

: Hmm, how about Turticamel Animal Park? Couples could go for a turticamel ride when they're on a date! ♥

: Hey! That's a great idea! We could build New Parm's famous "Turticamel Land"!

: How can anyone marry that type of guy?

: Yes, how fortunate. It'll be so fun to see if his kids have the same mystery. Heh heh heh. So much fun! ♪ I'm so fortunate to be studying this town. I've got the chance to unravel such a big mystery here.

: Waaah! I'm sorry! I really mean it! Oh, you're not my boss. You see, I was carrying this vase and then I suddenly slipped and dropped the vase from the second floor. Well, there was a guest there under the balcony and the vase landed right on his head. So now I have to keep standing here as punishment. I work as hard as I can, but now my boss says I have to stay put in one place so the hotel can have peace. My boss says my clumsiness isn't funny at all. But I never did any of it on purpose!

: Is that right, Mister? Do you really think so?

: I had hated him at one time. But that was a long time ago. Hey, look at the gorgeous sunset! People change, the world goes on, but the sunset is forever beautiful. I'm glad I was born in New Parm.

: Hey, old man. It's still daytime.

: The carnival's coming soon! ♥ Feena, you and your friends will be there, won't you? Justin? Sue? Don't worry about being beginners. I'll teach you the dance steps. ♪

: Wait a minute! We came here for something more adventurous than a carnival!

: Really? Come on! You're kidding, right? What a waste! Well, I'll just have to claim your share of fun at the carnival. ♥
"The biggest celebrities in New Parm aren't showing up at our big party? Fuck it, party harder!"
This is the only person in this house with new dialog.

: I know! I'm not gonna tan it at all. I won't take even one step outside until the day of the Carnival.
Welp, found this update's teaser image.
Or would this one be better? Crap.

: I thought catching the bouquet meant that I would soon have some handsome suitors asking me to marry them.

: So do you happen to know some likely candidates?

: Oh well, if there were some, I wouldn't depend on the bouquet's magic to attract any of them.

: I guess you can't rely on the bouquet. Looks like you'll just have to go searching for a groom after all.

: The whole town celebrated the event. The bride and groom were truly happy.
Um... didn't he just get married? Or was the receptionist also bound and gagged?

: But when he has recovered, I bet he'll do something bad again.

: I don't know if he learned his lesson or not. I'm worried.

: So what. Pakon is not that smart. Hey, it's no big deal, right?

: With Mr. Pakon's help, we'll make the Adventurers Society so big. We'll have branch offices worldwide!

: It'll be a worldwide nuisance, if you ask me.

: Besides, at his age, he still has many things to learn about married life, don't you think?

: Many things to learn?

: Well, yes. I mean, you're both still kids, it seems.... Anyway, you'll find out soon enough. Ha ha! You shouldn't rush into it, Feena. Give yourself some time, and you'll naturally find your true partner.

: My true partner... hmm... I guess he'd be brave yet gentle, a strong, handsome adventurer!

: Sounds like me, doesn't it?

: Feena, when ya find your true partner let me know and we'll celebrate with a bottle of
coffee sparkling water! Ha ha ha!
This guy's still on about the canal idea.
What's weird is that I don't think he even exists before the dialog changes to him complaining about Pakon shooting it down.

: his wife said, "If you spend money on a canal, you won't be able to buy me a new dress". Both of them are hard-headed if you ask me! Since there's no money, we can't build the canal. I'll think about it over dinner at the theater.
The other two NPCs hanging out outside the mansions have nothing new to say, so let's bust into some fancy houses for a chat!

: So when I think about you leaving on an adventure, I get a little worried about her. Miss Feena, please come back and see Miss Sherry when you can.
Well, all right, let's see how Sherry's do-
Still a bitch. Good to know.

: But, aren't you happy to have another chance to see her?

: Oh, be quiet! Why don't you mind your own business! You shouldn't be hanging around here! You should be packing for your trip!

: Don't worry, Sherry, we're leaving. Good luck to you, too!

: Grrr! How many times do I have to tell her?
Unfortunately, Clara has nothing new to say.
And yes, that's the entire reward for bringing her the letter from the very beginning. More dialog.

I mean, New Parm has neither the Spanish channel nor soap operas, so this is basically two-for-one.

: Please, don't make such a fuss. I just dropped by for a chat.

: I hope you will be nice enough to name the child for us. The child will be so happy to have you for a godmother!
Technically, the kid hasn't been born yet, so we don't have two characters running around with the same name just yet.

: Ah! Now there's a name that brings back memories!

: Java, eh? Hmm... that's a good name for an adventurer. He'll grow up to be a courageous man! Yes! Thank you, Feena, that's a great name! But what if it's a girl?

: Wouldn't "Java" be fine for a girl? It's a big world out there. There must be other girls named "Java".
It's not often the game messes up where the portrait appears like this. Justin is supposed to be on the right edge of the text box, over where the interjection is.

: That's more shocking than any of the adventures I've been on. I wonder what happened.

: Hmph. I don't know, either, but don't you think they make such a nice couple?

: President Pakon and the receptionist. Ya suppose they got together during the "Matchmaker's Romantic Tour"? I want to go on the next one of those! I could find a new girlfriend. It'd be like regaining my youth! I mean, if the President can find a bride, I must have a chance! ♥

: I heard that Pakon married the girl who was working as the Adventurers Society's receptionist. I thought it was so strange. After breaking up with Feena. But you know, I'll bet it was because he needed a new girl to mend his broken heart. Oh, I just love to hear such exciting gossip!
Yet more evidence for my "New Parm needs some telenovelas" theory.

: I don't know. He seems the same as always to me, anyway.

: Yeah, me too.

: Oh, Pakon is still getting scolded. How embarrassing.
No, I will never get tired of her referring to Pakon as a donkey.

: Anyway, Pakon's been real sweet lately, so I could hardly refuse to marry him. He's kinda winning me over.
This woman is under no illusions as to what she's gotten herself into.

: Our new life as a married couple is coming along very well. ♥
... he says, conspicuously avoiding looking at any of the Feena posters or dolls scattered around the room.
And that's getting long enough for an update. Tune in next time!

: ¡Pakón! Tú... ¿y mi hermana?

: Ay, ¡no es lo que pienses, Feena!

: ¡No me mientes! ¡Voy a besar a tu clónico malo, Paco!

: ¿Q-que?